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Initialize the neuropacs™ API.

  import com.neuropacs.Neuropacs

  // Define neuropacs parameters
  String apiKey = "your_api_key"; // API key
  String serverUrl = "server_url"; // neuropacs™ serverl URL
  String productName = "Atypical/MSAp/PSP-v1.0"; // Desired neuropacs™ product
  String predictionFormat = "JSON"; // Output format of order results ("TXT"/"JSON"/"XML"/"FEATURES")
  String qcForamt = "CSV"; // Output format of QC results ("CSV"/"TXT"/"JSON")
  String originType = "my_application"; // Requestor origin

  // Initialize the API
  Neuropacs npcs = new Neuropacs(serverUrl, apiKey, originType);


Working example using the neuropacs™ API.

  // Create a session
  String conn = npcs.connect();

  // Create a new order
  String conn = npcs.newJob();

  // Upload a dataset from path
  boolean upload = npcs.uploadDatasetFromPath(
    System.out::println // optional progress callback

  // Run QC/Compliance check on uploaded dataset (not required)
  String qcResults = npcs.qcCheck(orderId, qcFormat);

  // Start an order
  String orderStart = npcs.runJob(orderId, productName);

  // Check order status
  String status = npcs.checkStatus(orderId);

  // Retrieve job results
  String results = npcs.getResults(orderId, predictionFormat);

  // Retrieve job results in PNG
  byte[] resultsPng = npcs.getResultsPng(orderId);

Example viewing a PNG result

Download a PNG result file and view it.

  // Import required packages
  import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
  import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

  // Retrieve job results in PNG
  byte[] resultsPng = npcs.getResultsPng(orderId);

  // Convert byte[] to an InputStream
  ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(resultsPng);

  // Read the input stream into a BufferedImage
  BufferedImage image =;

  // Save the image to a file
  ImageIO.write(image, "png", new File("neuropacs_report.png"));

API Key Usage Report

Generate a structured API key usage report for any neuropacs™ API key. If an admin API key is used. An aggregated report will be created with all keys associated with the same institution. If "email" format is used, an email will be sent to the admin associated with the specified API key.

  // Define neuropacs parameters
  String apiKey = "your_api_key"; // API key
  String serverUrl = "server_url"; // neuropacs™ serverl URL
  String originType = "my_application"; // Requestor origin
  String format = "JSON"; // Format of report ("TXT"/"JSON"/"EMAIL")
  String startDate = "10/1/2025"; // Start date of report (mM/dD/YYYY)
  String endDate = "12/15/2025"; // End date of report (mM/dD/YYYY)

  // Initialize the API
  Neuropacs npcs = new Neuropacs(serverUrl, apiKey, originType);

  // Create a session
  String conn = npcs.connect();

  // Generate the report
  String report = npcs.getReport(format, startDate, endDate);

DICOMweb Integration

The API retrieves and processes images directly from DICOMweb WADO-RS servers, enabling neuropacs™ analysis for streamlined diagnostic workflows.

  // Define DICOMweb parameters
  String wadoUrl = "http://localhost:8080/dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/rs";
  String studyUid = "";
  String username = "username"; // If not required, use null
  String password = "password"; // If not required, use null

  // Upload a dataset from DICOMweb
  boolean upload = await npcs.uploadDatasetFromDicomWeb(
    System.out::println // optional progress callback


Kerrick Cavanaugh (Lead Software Engineer) -


This project is licensed under the MIT.



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